Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, our products go through a rigorous testing process.
Our products are processed in a facility that manufactures other products containing soy, milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. While we take precautions to avoid cross-contamination by thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing equipment and cleaning production suites, it is possible that some allergen residue may be present.
Our products may contain almond, coconut and cashew. Please consult the nutritional panel before consuming the product.
The protein found in POSSIBLE products comes from a variety of sources such as organic pea protein, pumpkin protein, brown rice protein, almonds, and cashew butter.
Our goal is to provide you with the cleanest, closest to nature products possible. We have not added any emulsifiers to our products, in order to accomplish this goal. Therefore, the organic, natural nut butters can separate, just as they do in your own kitchen, causing some oil to press out of the bar.
The added sugars come from sources including beet juice concentrate, organic maple syrup, organic dates, organic agave, and organic molasses.
Each product is individually marked with a best used by date which is typically 9-24 months from the date of manufacturing.
You may experience some settling of your protein powder. Our powders are made with whole food ingredients that may contain more fibrous characteristics. Adding a banana to your protein shake may provide a smoother consistency.
Our products are not only organic, but they are also Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Non-Dairy and Clean Label.
POSSIBLE is a line of clean-label food and nutrition products created by Standard Process®. They're backed by almost a century's worth of science-based innovation and whole food expertise.
Yes. Months can be skipped by visiting Manage Subscriptions within your account and selecting skip on the products.
Subscriptions can be cancelled by visiting Manage Subscription within your account, or you may contact us at 262-495-6459 or support@mypossible.com.
Absolutely! You can do so by visiting Manage Subscriptions within your account, and let us know when you need your products delivered.
Order Questions
Products will be shipped via UPS or FedEx. Orders placed before 3PM CT usually ship the same day.
Orders under $50 cost $8 to ship.
Contact us at 262-495-6459 or support@mypossible.com.
At this time, POSSIBLE products are only available within the United States and cannot be shipped internationally.
If orders are placed before 3PM CT, orders should typically arrive within 2-3 business days
Contact us at 262-495-6459 or support@mypossible.com to discuss the issue and how we can make it right.
You will receive an email notification when your order is placed as well as when it is shipped with the tracking information.
Glossary of terms
Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods. The organic standards describe the specific requirements that must be verified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent before products can be labeled USDA organic (https://www.usda.gov/) (9). Standard Process has its products and ingredients certified by Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA). Organic certification allows one to sell, label, handle and process products as organic. MOSA’s certification process determines compliance with USDA National Organic Standards. There are a rigorous series of steps, forms, and required information for each type of operation before MOSA certifies a product or ingredient as “organic” and, the entire process can take several weeks. For more information on MOSA organic certification visit MOSA’s website https://mosaorganic.org.
The term “vegan” is used when Standard Process products are devoid of any animal-based ingredients. Animal-based ingredients would include meat, dairy (including lactose and whey protein), egg, lanolin (vitamin D supplements), fish oils, animal-based gelatin and other ingredients from animals including honey and beeswax (2).
The term Non-GMO or Non-Bioengineered is defined by the USDA. The use of the term Non-GMO on a Standard Process or POSSIBLE product means that the finished product has been formulated with ingredients (including all excipients, if applicable) that have been confirmed to not be created with Bioengineering. (10)
The term “non-dairy” is used when Standard Process products have not been formulated to contain milk or milk-derived or milk-contain ingredients. Historically, the US FDA supports choice and innovation in the marketplace and recognizes that some consumers may prefer to use plant-based products instead of dairy products for a variety of reasons, including an allergy or lifestyle choice. Although no regulatory definition exists for the term “non-dairy” the US FDA has historically allowed the use of the term when the milk-protein, casein is used in products; e.g., “Non-dairy” is commonly used on coffee creamers made from caseinate, a milk protein (4, 5).
The term “gluten-free” is used when Standard Process products have been tested to verify they meet the regulations associated with gluten-free. Foods may be labeled “gluten-free” if they meet the definition of “gluten free” and otherwise comply with the United States Food and Drug Administration’s final rule as of September 4, 2013 on gluten free labeling under the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA). This rule will serve as the basis for Standard Process’ use of the term “gluten free”. The US FDA final rule defines and sets conditions on the use of the term "gluten-free" as meaning that the food either is inherently gluten free; or does not contain an ingredient that is: 1) a gluten-containing grain (e.g., spelt wheat); 2) derived from a gluten-containing grain that has not been processed to remove gluten (e.g., wheat flour); or 3) foods with ingredients that are derived from a gluten-containing grain that has been refined to remove gluten (e.g., wheat starch), so long as the food contains less than 20 parts per million (ppm) gluten /has less than 20 mg gluten per kg. The rule also states that foods may not use the claim if they contain 20 ppm or more gluten as a result of cross-contact with gluten containing grains (3).
Clean label is not a term defined by any regulatory body. The definition is defined by Standard Process in the following parameters:
• All Ingredients are based on/derived from whole foods
• Product must contain ingredients from natural sources and should be minimally processed
• No artificial colors or flavors
• No artificial preservatives
Glossary of Terms - References
1.) Lacto-ovo vegetarian. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/vegetarian. Accessed March 3, 2018.
2.) Vegan. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vegan. Accessed March 3, 2018.
3.) United States Food and Drug Administration (2018). 'Gluten-Free' Means What It Says. Retrieved from https://www.fda.gov/food/food-labeling-nutrition/questions-and-answers-gluten-free-food-labeling-final-rule. March 3, 2019
4.) University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (2013). Retrieved from https://farrp.unl.edu/resources/gi-fas/opinion-and-summaries/dairy-free-and-non-dairy. March 3, 2019
5.) Nondairy. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nondairy. March 3, 2019
6.) John Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/soy-allergy-diet. March 3, 2019
7.) United States Department of Agriculture (2017). All about the Grains Group. Retrieved from https://www.choosemyplate.gov/grains. March 3, 2019
8.) Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council. Retrieved from https://www.glnc.org.au/grains/types-ofgrains/. March 3, 2019
9.) United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.ams.usda.gov/grades-standards/organic-standards. March 3, 2019
10.) United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/be October 5, 2022.